‘Commentary’ Archives
The Forest Through the Trees
Raise Your Voice By PETER MOLENAAR Folks from this part of the world are familiar with the “signers” who regularly occupy every niche at the intersection of Franklin and Cedar avenues. For some, it is a desperate way to “make ends meet”, while others panhandle for their next “fix” of heroin. Normally, I avoid eye contact. Hey, the new land lord raised my rent by over $300.00. Social Security, plus a union pension and one “odd job” barely covers expenses. So, I grow and sell vegetables in the summer months. One day”¦ From his post at the intersection, a young mixed blood man beckoned. I recognized him from the community garden”™s homeless camp. Window down, I elaborated my refusal to support the heroin trade. Then, while rubbing the site of his war wound, he explained that he was in constant pain and hoped to be admitted to a methadone program. This soldier reminded me of the guardsmen who [...]
Please Make Minnesota PPE
By LEE LEICHENTRITT There is a well-known shortage of PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) in the United States. Minnesotans and our fellow countrymen in the other 49 states are suffering because of the shortages of PPE. No employee should go without PPE. No child returning to school in the fall should be without clean and safe daily PPE. No one is expendable or worthless; all human beings should be valued. One solution to Minnesota”™s and America”™s PPE shortage would be to invest in making PPE in Minnesota. There are a few options to make Minnesota-made PPE a reality. The first option would be to use the tax code to create incentives to investors to build PPE manufacturing plants in Minnesota. The second would be to establish a public-private partnership. The third would be for the State of Minnesota to build and operate its own PPE plant. The fourth would be for Minnesota and its neighbors to pool their talents and resources to create a multi-state [...]