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Wednesday July 17th 2024

‘Raise Your Voice’ Archives

You May Blame Me

By Peter Molenaar Vikings vs. Seahawks”¦ I”'ve been a Vikings fan from day one, as I am Minnesota born (1950) and relate with co-workers whose spirits are bound to the team”'s success. No, I do not endorse the “ultra-left” opinion that we should support the Green Bay Packers, merely because their organization does not conform with the NFL ruling class elite.  After all, come the revolution, the whole of professional sports will be socialized, i.e., owned by the whole people. So”¦okay, he missed! Hooray for the school children who have embraced Blair Walsh. Evidently, the historically atrophied portion of brain associated with empathy and compassion is on the mend. Possibly, we have a come-back in the making. So, rejoice! On the other hand, there were many hate filled tweets from spoiled adults.  Should we not consider our collective responsibility for the errant kick?  As I recall the critical sequence, admittedly my mind was anxiously [...]

The Big Bang and Bernie

By Peter Molenaar A shop called Mayday Café exists not far from the center of the universe.  Various political types are found there, including some radicals. All are welcome. December 17, 2015”¦ A friend was anxious over a forthcoming exam on the subject of the Big Bang Theory, hence an invite to a pastry with coffee.  I offered that the totality of matter had not been, for the first half of eternity (!) confined to one small spherical spec, after which, having changed its mind (?) it went BOOM. (more…)

Enter the Corner Store

By Peter Molenaar At the height of his manhood, our Jesus would lead a nonviolent resistance to the Roman occupation. Then, three centuries later, the early period of Christian martyrdom would come to an end. 1189 ”“ 1192”¦ In the Third Crusade, evidently as a matter of convenience, Richard the Lionheart would slit the throats of 3,000 Muslims, children included. 1936”¦ George Dimitrov famously stated: Fascism is the open terrorist dictatorship of the most reactionary, most chauvinist and most imperialist elements of finance capital. 1963”¦ The CIA facilitates the systematic murder of Iraqi communists ”“ including hundreds of doctors, teachers, and technicians. 1979”¦ Saddam Hussein assumes the Iraqi presidency (and is handed a fresh slate for execution) even as we (yes, “we”) arm Osama Bin Laden in his war against a secular “socialist” Afghan government. 2001”¦ 2003”¦ “Shock and Awe.” November [...]

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