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News & Views of Phillips Since 1976
Tuesday July 16th 2024

‘Raise Your Voice’ Archives

Criticism And Self-Criticism

by Peter Molenaar Yes, the revolutionary process is again unfolding and is, this time around, discernible and understandable even to us “broad masses”.  It is natural, in this context, for the most “gifted” to step forward as “partisans of the people”. It is natural, as well, that a competition for leadership status will develop between individuals and between political groupings.  Some say that this competition is a good thing.  However, a serious downside occurs when personal or sectarian interests are placed above the interests of the movement as a whole.  When opportunism prevails, we all suffer the consequences. Are manifestations of this “left-opportunism” inevitable?  The answer is:  yes.  Yes, because many of our educated people are inadequately grounded among the working class and the oppressed.  As the revolution gathers steam, it then becomes increasingly obligatory for the actors to embrace [...]

Mixed Bag

by Peter Molenaar Unlike the esteemed guru who, it is said, once transcended all earthly attachments, the rest of us are bound to the spiritual ups and downs which reflect the satisfactions and irritations of our existence. St. Paul”'s Church, 11-11-11”¦ It was in conjunction with the 200th birthday of Wendell Phillips, renowned opponent of all forms of oppression, that this paper celebrated its 36 years.  The evening unfolded as a high pinnacle event for the activist community of this neighborhood. There was as well a high-point moment for this writer.  Despite his many years of socialist rantings in the space of this column, there was a warm ovation from an audience which included small business people.  So, let it be said:  The Welnas and Ingebretsens will have their place well into the future. (more…)

Occupation Time

by Peter Molenaar Just moments ago I witnessed a national TV news report which exposed the deliberate short supply of chemotherapy drugs made available for children.  Profits before people”¦ Yet the ongoing protests against corporate greed lack a clear set of demands.  Sure, the slogan “Power to The People” has merit.  But what?  Does the banner “Revolution Not Reform” really lead us to “Revolution Now!”? The fact remains:  There can be no fundamental change without the participation and consent of many millions of people.  Moreover, us “masses” are drawn to the class struggle in the first place on the basis of intermediate demands which taken separately do constitute  “mere” reforms. With the above thought in mind, the CPUSA has issued a brochure under the caption “SAVE OUR NATION!”Â  It contains the following points: (more…)

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