‘Food’ Archives
Food Obsession: FOOD AND CLASS
Recently I read an article in the November 29 Newsweek that claimed that eating habits and tastes are the new dividers of social class in America. Well-off people can choose pure, organic, out-of-season and hard-to-find-foods, as they have access to high-end stores that carry these things and the money to buy them when they are there. These foods are usually nutritious, delicious and satisfying. One woman cited in the article felt she was doing her part to make the world a better place by demanding such foods for herself and her family. Meanwhile, the poor go to a convenience store or a huge supermarket and get the cheapest foods sold in quantity and featured in coupons and price deals, foods that give quick satisfaction, little real nutrition and a load of calories. It doesn”'t have to be this way. At Cedar Food and Grill, the grocery store at East 26th Street and Cedar Avenue, “Mo” is making sure that there are fresh fruits and vegetables and other wholesome [...]
by Jane Thomson I don”'t aim to be a collector, but somehow have acquired at least 100 cookie cutters, of all sizes, some 100 years old, including shapes observant of almost any holiday. While on the subject of size, make cookies of all sizes; but for best results (all done, none burned) bake cookies of the same size and thickness on the same sheet. Grandchildren love to make cookies. We made some with my then 2 ½ year-old grandson last Christmas ”“ two adults were in charge, with plastic on the floor. The cookies were very interesting, and quite edible. I don”'t know where I got this recipe, but it is fairly recent. (more…)
by Jane Thomson Time to come out with recipes to use up turkey after the annual feast ”“ my suggestion is eat it with salt, pepper and cranberry-something. I do give thanks to the Almighty pretty often. For instance, that my daughter and 3-yr-old grandson, caught in a bus shelter on the edge of a tornado in (yes) Brooklyn, New York last month, were not blown away before the bus came. And even every time I find my keys when I”'m in a hurry. But before a huge meal commemorating a long ago event that is fraught with heavy questions, no, not my favorite time. So I will include a couple of recipes that could be used for that occasion, though they have nothing in particular to do with it. The first recipe might come into play if you overdo at the Thanksgiving feast and need to diet for a few days ”“ it is a delicious dip for raw, or even cooked, vegetables. It does call for a little red wine, but you might have a little left of that after [...]