News & Views of Phillips Since 1976
Monday March 10th 2025

‘Miscellany’ Archives

East Phillips Improvement Coalition Policy Statement Summary in Opposition to Xcel Hiawatha Powerline Proposal

At the request of the EPIC Board, Carol Pass, Board President, submitted a 35 Page Position Statement to the State Of Minnesota Office Of Administrative Hearings For The Public Utilities Commission (PUC) expressing the community”'s strong opposition to these Overhead High Voltage Electrical Transmission Lines. The brief focused on three issues: Health: The U.S. National Academy of Science, National Research Council report (1997) stated that the link between power line wire-code rating and childhood leukemia “is statistically significant (unlikely to have arisen from chance) and is robust”. While the risk to human health at the current state of research appears to be small, the statistical significance of health study findings is that there IS a risk. The Children of Phillips are already at risk from multiple sources and issues, of which we are well aware, especially since the education we all received in facing down the Midtown Burner. Economic [...]

SPORTS TALK: March 2010

By Ray Jay and Young Dex Sunday January 22, 2010, 9:28 P.M., The strings on my heart are being pulled with such force, that I felt compelled to immediately begin writing the March edition of Sports Talk. What I and Dex had just witnessed in the NFC Championship game, our Minnesota Vikings vs. The New Orleans Saints, was nothing short of a triple dosage of DISGUST. Mind you, I go back to the days of the Purple People Eaters, if you know what I mean? Disgust 1: Our Vikings had, in the past three hours, turned the ball over 5 times; two of those took place in that area of almost guaranteed scoring, deemed the red zone, which resulted in a forfeiture of at least six points, as the Vikings went on to lose this game. A game the Vikings seemed to not want to win and a game the Saints seemed to not be able to win! Disgust 2: Million dollar quarterback, Brett Favre”'s, decision to throw the ball, instead of running through a hole so large, that even I could have limped through it [...]

February Phillips What? Where? Contest

Answer these any 3 of the following 5 questions correctly and win a chance for a drawing of a $10.00 Gift Certificate at Welna Hardware 2438 Bloomington Avenue. After Mt. Sinai Hospital closed the Mpls. 1. Phillips Neighborhood was named for Jay Phillips owner of a large liquor distribution company and philanthropist to Mt. Sinai Hospital and the Phillips Eye Institute. True or False? 2. The Minneapolis-Moline factory stood where one of the following is now. Which is it? A. McDonalds B. Little Earth C. Target D. Garbage Transfer Station 3. Candy bars were made in the old factory by the Pearson Candy Company (maker of Nut Goodies, Pearson Nut Roll, and other bars) after the White Motor Company did a hostiletake-over of Mpls.-Moline Co. in 1963 eliminating all pensions for workers. True or False? 4. Who was the Owner of Dan Patch who also had a mail order catalog company? A. Mr. Sears B. Mr. Savage C. Mrs. Pillsbury D. Mr. Peavey, the famous race horse, who [...]

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