Celebrating 50 Years of Community News in Phillips!
Celebrating 50 Years of Community News in Phillips!
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News & Views of Phillips Since 1976
Sunday February 9th 2025

‘Parks’ Archives

Thrones’ Eye View: The North Bench

Thrones’ Eye View: The North Bench

The city has announced that it is dismantling Touchstone Plaza due to deterioration and safety concerns. Also known as “The Thrones,” this Phillips landmark sits at the northeast corner of the park, at the intersection of Franklin and Chicago. Its architectural sculptures were the product of a multi-year collaboration between the late artist Rafala Green, community members, and more than 80 local youth employed by the project in the 1990s. “Thrones” is a reference to a poem by Louis Alemayehu mounted on a plaque near the entrance. As a goodbye, the alley will be featuring close up photos of each of the Plaza’s sculptural elements in upcoming months. All photos by Laura Hulscher. PART I: The North Bench

Peavey Park Planning

Meet Ismail Said, New Recreation Supervisor at East Phillips Park

Meet Ismail Said, New Recreation Supervisor at East Phillips Park

By MINNEAPOLIS PARK AND RECREATION BOARD Ismail Said, new recreation supervisor at East Phillips Park Cultural and Community Center. Credit: Laura Hulscher Hello! In case you’ve not yet met him, East Phillips Park Cultural and Community Center’s new Recreation Supervisor is Ismail Said. Ismail takes over from Jeanne Whitehill, who is now at Lynnhurst Park.Ismail grew up in the Twin Cities with his five siblings and parents, who immigrated from Somalia in the 1990s. He started at Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board as a Youth Program Specialist.Ismail is excited to be working for the Minneapolis Park Board to support and work with youth and families from a range of different backgrounds. He also looks forward to being a part of sports recreation and community building.Next time you’re in the building, stop by and say hello. Or drop Ismail an email at isaid@minneapolisparks.org.For park hours and a link to browse and register for activities and programs for all ages, visit [...]

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