News & Views of Phillips Since 1976
Friday March 14th 2025

Open Letter about Pioneers and Soldiers Cemetery and Sue Hunter Weir

As I have gotten to know Sue over the years, I can not even begin to describe how impressed I am with what a great historian, member of our community, and friend Sue is.  Sue has such a passion for the cemetery.  It may seem like a very niche interest, but Sue has a talent for researching the lives of those Minneapolitans who have come before us and translating them into stories that we may “get to know” these great people in a way that is not communicated through granite.  It is inspirational to know someone who “gets it” that life is about putting your energies toward that which you are passionate about.

One of my great self indulgences (when I can find time to be by myself) is to go to the Midtown Global Market, grab a bite to eat, grab an Alley newspaper, and loose myself in one of Sue”'s articles about someone who lived in our city 100+ years ago.  In particular, Sue brings attention to those who lived rather common, or sometimes even unconventional lives.

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Open Letter: Phillips”' youth petition helped create the new Stewart Park Soccer Field

In 2009 the Park Board held a public meeting at Stewart Park to gain input from the community on possible athletic field improvements at the park. The East/Midtown Phillips Youth Soccer teams attended in force. They came prepared with nearly 800 signatures on petitions requesting a new soccer field in the park. With funding help from the Hennepin County Youth Sports Grant program and the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board, that dream became reality.

On May 19th, 2011 a beautiful, state of the art soccer field with artificial turf and field lighting was dedicated with the first Barbeque of the season. The celebration included face painting by Park Staff, Juggling and Balloon magic by William Bradshaw of Fun Time Functions and comments by Park Board Commissioner Scott Vreeland and Hennepin County Commissioner Peter McLaughlin.

Two youth who were at the 2009 public meeting presented McLaughlin and Vreeland soccer balls signed by many of the young petitioners. The highlight of the day after enjoying the luxurious turf of the new field was watching two of the youngest soccer aficionados score on both commissioners who were totally ineffective as goal tenders.

Brad Pass

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Stewart Soccer Field “Kickoff” Grand Opening Highlights Vast Field and Program Improvements

By MPRB and Harvey Winje

Phillips Community soccer playing youth and adults, Hennepin County, and the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board (MPRB) celebrated the completion of work on Stewart Field with a Grand Opening celebration, complete with music, balloon artists and face painters, Thursday, May 19.

In the culturally diverse Phillips Community of south Minneapolis with more than 7,000 youth*, the availability of a durable and high quality soccer field is essential. Stewart Park at 2700 12th Avenue was hard and worn from overuse. In the Fall of 2010 it was totally renovated including synthetic turf that will improve safety, reduce potential injuries and withstand high volumes of repetitive use with funding from a Hennepin County Youth Sports Grant.

*[See “Phillips”' Youth petition helped create the new Stewart Park Soccer Field” Alley Newspaper, June 2011, page 7]

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