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Friday March 14th 2025

Take Me Home Tonight

Take Me Home Tonight

Take Me Home Tonight


Theiopolis Cinema

* “Take Me Home Tonight”(2010) Comedy. Cast: Topher Grace (Matt frank), Dan Fogler (Barry Nathan), Teiesa Palmer (Tori Frederking), Anna Faris (Wendy Franklin). (R)95 minutes.Director: Michael Dowse.

Actor-co producer Topher Grace and actor Dan Fogler showed up for questions and answers after their movie “Take Me Home Tonight” was over. I wasn”'t really interested in staying around for a movie I didn”'t care about. I”'m happy these young men are enjoying some success but their movie, to be blunt, is so generic so as to be ad nauseam.

Nothing in Michael Dowse”'s comedy distinguishes itself from umpteen comedies about white teens and twentysomethings partying, drinking beer and looking for that girl with whom he missed a chance to have sex. To Dowse”'s credit, most of the scurrilous language and gross behavior is missing from this comedy set in the 1980s–Ronald Reagan, Cultural Club ,award-winning movie”Gandhi”, tax cuts (for the wealthy), punk hairdos.

One problem Topher Grace, at age 32,can”'t pass for a 22-year old. Another problem maybe Dan Fogler, as Barry Nathan,and Anna Faris, as Wendy Frankin, do not fit the age either. All three characters, especially Barry and Matt, seem to be aimless in their lives, acting out in hedonistic fashion as in drinking, snorting cocaine and one character lies by saying he works at Goldman Sachs when he actually works at a video store just to impress a girl form his high school.… Read the rest “Take Me Home Tonight”

Movie Coffin

Jane Russell

By Howard McQuitter II

Jane Russell, 1921-2011

Actress Jane Russell, 89, died the day after the 83rd Academy Awards–February 28–one of the most popular beauties of the silver screen in the 1940s in San Maria,California.

She got her first role in the film “Outlaw” (1943) by director Howard Hughes, a movie the censors criticized for its provocative scenes of Russell”'s low-cut blouse. The movie barely got by the censors two years later in limited showings. “Outlaw” wasn”'t a particularly good movie, but the stunning beauty attracted male moviegoers by the millions.

Jane starred in other movies “Young Widow”(1946),”Gentlemen Prefer Blondes” (1953), “Gentlemen Marry Brunettes” (1955) “His Kind of Woman”(1951), “The Las Vegas Story” (1951), “Mamie Stoyer” (1956) and “The Fuzzy Pink Nightgown”(1957), a big flop.

Her roles past “Nightgown” nearly disappeared. For a short time she worked in television and then returned to the film “Fate is the Hunter” (1964). She did the film “The Born Losers” (1967). Her last film was “Darker Than Amber”(1970).

If only Jane Russell has been a better placed actress beyond in more telluric roles, she was a better actress beyond her beautiful face and body.

Jane was born in Bemidji, Minnesota, but moved to Canada and then to California.… Read the rest “Movie Coffin”

April 2011 Daves”' Dumpster

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