News & Views of Phillips Since 1976
Friday March 14th 2025

Seeking Wellness

by Harvey Winje

With great resiliency, neighborhood people have
endured change for decades while seeking to maintain personal wellness for themselves and the entire community.

Many have discovered that seeking personal wellness and community wellness are integrally linked together.  Good sleep, adequate resources, physical activity (especially walking), access to healthy food and healthcare, cultural celebrations, and social connectedness are essentials for wellness.  Many have also discovered that positive attitudes and consistent hard work are also necessary to attain and sustain those elements contributing to wellness.

This issue of The Alley has several examples and possibilities of seeking personal and community wellness within our lives and neighborhoods.

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199 Years later Wendell Phillips is still in “All the news that”'s fit to print.”

Wendell Phillips from the Library of Congress

Wendell Phillips, Phillips Community”'s namesake, still makes news as the agitator and moral guide.  The following article was in the New York Times this month.  Following the article, we have printed an e-mail exchange between the author of the article and James B. Stewart, Macalaster College, St. Paul.  Stewart is a professor of history and scholar/author of the life of Wendell Phillips.

On Dec. 3rd 2010, The Alley Newspaper will celebrate Wendell”'s 199th birthday with a special carrot cake from Franklin Street Bakery at St. Paul”'s Church on 28th St and 15th Ave. from 6:00- 8:00 PM along with a Fundraising Silent Auction.

Next year, The Alley will have a special 200th Anniversary of Wendell”'s birthday.  We”'re hoping to have James Stewart join us that day to help underscore the still relevant admonitions of Ann Green Phillips and Wendell Phillips.

The Abolitionist”'s Epiphany

By Adam Goodheart

Boston, Nov. 7, 1860

Throughout most of the nation”'s history, it had taken weeks for votes to be counted and for Americans to find out who their new president was. But by 1860, telegraph lines ”“ more than 50,000 miles of them ”“ had spread so far and wide across the country that the results were in the morning editions of the next day”'s papers.… Read the rest “199 Years later Wendell Phillips is still in “All the news that”'s fit to print.””

PCPI Pitches PCC Proposal to Park Personnel

Minneapolis Swims presentation to MPRB”'s Don Sigglekow, Judd Reichert, and Al Bangoura; included MS board members and Dean Dovolis and Hannah Lieder (standing).

by Robert Albee

After three months of waiting, the Phillips Community Parks Initiative (PCPI) finally had an opportunity to present its proposal to the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board (MPRB) for leasing and participating in the operations of the Phillips Community Center. The actual written proposal was submitted July 9th and project organizers have been waiting ever since to formally address the opportunities face-to-face with Park Board staff and commissioners. Presentations were finally made on November 3rd and November 4th.

MPRB staff members Don Siggelkow, Judd Reichert and Al Bangoura attended the two days of presentations provided by the Waite House, Soos Early Childhood Learning Center, Minneapolis Swims a “wellness” coalition including Native American Community Clinic, Running Wolf Fitness Center, Freeport West, A Partnership Of Diabetics (A-POD), Guri Nabad and Ventura Village neighborhood. The other three Phillips Community neighborhoods, East Phillips Improvement Coalition, Mid Town Phillips  and Phillips West Neighborhood Association were on hand supporting most of the other presenters and the notion of the MPRB and Phillips Community jointly supporting the Community Services Area (CSA), currently comprising Phillips Community and Eliot Park neighborhood.… Read the rest “PCPI Pitches PCC Proposal to Park Personnel”

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