News & Views of Phillips Since 1976
Saturday March 15th 2025

High Voltage Lines Public Meeting Feb. 10 “Draft” Environmental Impact Statement is Released

by Midtown Greenway Coalition

The Minnesota Department of Commerce released a Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) on January 8, 2010 regarding Xcel Energy”'s proposed high voltage transmission lines and two new substations along the Midtown Greenway in Minneapolis. The 463-page document will inform proceedings by an Administrative Law Judge and the Minnesota Public Utilities Commission (PUC) regarding a route permit for the transmission lines. The Midtown Greenway Coalition is pleased that an underground route, as compared to an overhead route on 70 to 115-foot-tall towers, was identified as a potential mitigation measure for impacts related to land use, structures, safety and health, recreation and tourism, aesthetics, utilities systems, and transportation. On the other hand, these potential mitigation strategies are not stated in the form of recommendations and many steps remain before a route is determined. Furthermore, a route now under consideration is underneath the cycling and walking trails which the Coalition is evaluating at this time.

To be part of the process and comment on the DEIS, attend the upcoming public meeting where representatives from the OES and Xcel Energy will be available to answer questions about the permitting process and the proposed project. Individuals on the Coalition”'s email list for Xcel updates will be sent talking points as the meeting approaches.… Read the rest “High Voltage Lines Public Meeting Feb. 10 “Draft” Environmental Impact Statement is Released”

Xcel Energy Letter to South Minneapolis State to Hold Public Hearing on Hiawatha Project

Power lines before”¦

”¦and proposed after according to Xcel visualization

By Betty Mirzayi, Hiawatha Project Manager

The Hiawatha Project is entering another regulatory phase and, once again, we are asking you to get involved. Recently you and your neighbors received a postcard about upcoming meetings involving this project. We encourage you to participate and offer your input on this very important investment in your community”'s electric infrastructure.

On Wednesday, February 10, the Office of Energy Security will hold a public meeting and comment session on the Draft Environmental Impact Statement. The statement can be viewed at the following Web site:

For information about the public meeting and how you can submit your comments in writing visit.
The need for the Hiawatha Project is driven by increases in population, increased use of consumer electronics and other electrical devices, and economic growth in south Minneapolis. The existing infrastructure that serves these homes and businesses is not adequate to meet the current and projected demand for electricity in the area. We are committed to serving these customers in a manner that considers the needs, concerns and priorities of our community.

Xcel Energy proposes to construct two new 115-kilovolt transmission lines and two new substations in the Midtown area.… Read the rest “Xcel Energy Letter to South Minneapolis State to Hold Public Hearing on Hiawatha Project”

Health Assessment Leads to Health Action Teams

By Janice Barbee, Cultural Wellness Center

Thank you to all the residents who participated in the Listening Circles and the Walk-Around door-to-door or telephone interviews.
Gracias a todos los residentes que participaron en los grupos de pláticas y en la encuesta, en persona o por teléfono.
Waxaan u mahadcelineynaa dhamaan dadki kasoo qeyb galeen fikrad isweydaarsigi iyo wareysi xaafadaha oo ka dhacay xaafadaha kamid ah Phillips, Powderhorn Park , Central iyo Corcoran.
BYI Assessment Completed

The implementation of the health assessment of Backyard residents is now complete. The Listening Circles were completed in September and the Walk-around, where community residents hired by Wilder Research interviewed community residents about their health, was completed in January. Over 650 interviews were completed, in person or by phone.

In accordance with one of the principles that guide the Backyard Initiative community engagement, “Any assessment of needs or assets, strengths or weaknesses, must be done by residents or with residents,” the assessment process has been planned, guided by, and implemented from start to finish by residents of the Backyard area. For the residents who were involved in conducting the door to door and telephone interviews the process has been engaging and full of insight. Stories from this process and the information from both the Listening Circles and the Walk-around will be shared in upcoming reports.… Read the rest “Health Assessment Leads to Health Action Teams”

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