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Tuesday March 4th 2025

Posts Tagged ‘MayDay2013’

“IT”'S UP TO US!” May Day

“IT”'S UP TO US!” May Day

By Sandy Spieler The Economics of MayDay:  MayDay has miraculously thrived in somewhat of a “gift economy”””a mixture of monetary donations from individuals, combined with labor and vision donations from many, many volunteers, along with a cadre of artists and organizers hired for MayDay who blend countless hours of volunteer labor within their honorariums fees. Some questions you might have: Who Produces MayDay? In the Heart of the Beast Puppet and Mask Theatre is responsible for the production of Mayday. It is a year-round process for our staff””fundraising, organizing, training artists, securing permits, with addressing logistical and creative questions that take all of our skills to support the community in producing the final event. ”¢ photo by Amy Wurdock How is the MayDay budget structured and why the reduction this year? EXPENSES: People and people services: (fulltime and part-time artists, organizers, [...]

One special idea! “The Old Ones Guild”

One special idea! “The Old Ones Guild”

photo by Liz Welch One special idea:  Be part of a support  “Guild” for the MayDay Ceremony ritual puppets. There are certain puppets used every year for the MayDay Ceremony in Powderhorn Park: the Tree-of-Life, the Sun Flotilla, the Woods, the Prairie, The Sky, and the River. There are already “guilds” of people that care for the Tree-of- Life and the Sun Flotilla. These teams not only tend to the repair and assembly of these puppets, but also the enactment of these puppets in the Ceremony. I am looking for teams of people who would do the same for the “Old Ones””” the 4 big puppets of The Sky, The Woods, The Prairie, and The River. Many of you may know Jim Koplin and the immense volunteer support he gave our theatre. Many of you may also know he died unexpectedly in December, leaving an immense hole in our hearts. One of the many things Jim did was take care of “The Old Ones.” I am looking for people to pick up [...]

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