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Tuesday July 16th 2024

Posts Tagged ‘Minneapolis City Council’

What happened to my old polling place? Redistricting!

What happened to my old polling place? Redistricting!

Article #1 in a series about the 2022 midterm elections; brought to you by the League of Women Voters of Minneapolis Left: 2022 State House district boundaries of Phillips Right: 2022 City Council wards in black, former boundary in red It’s spring — flowers are blooming, birds are singing, and the Hennepin County Elections office is sending postcards to registered voters. You may find that your voting district and polling place have changed. What happened? In 2022, many people will experience a change in their voting district. This process is called redistricting, and it happens every ten years, as states, counties, and cities across the country adjust their political boundaries to fit new census numbers. Because the population of Minnesota has changed, the sizes and boundaries of congressional, state, and local districts need to adapt so that each has approximately the same number of people. That will ensure that the value of each vote remains equal. In [...]

February Random News

February Random News

by LINDSEY FENNER Phillips-area Cultural Malls Receive State COVID Relief Grants: At the end of 2021, the Minnesota Department of Employment and Economic Development (DEED) awarded funds of up to $300,000 each to twelve “cultural mall operators” throughout Minnesota, including the four listed below in the Phillips area. The $3 million program is part of the $70 million Main Street COVID Relief Grant packages passed by the State Legislature in 2021. To qualify, facilities had to have 50% or more tenants identifying as Black, African American, Asian or Pacific Islander, Hispanic, Latinx, American Indian, Alaska Native, or other racial or ethnic minority. Support our vibrant Phillips businesses here: 24 Mall, 912 E 24th Street Midtown Global Market, 920 E Lake Street JigJiga Business Center, 1516 E Lake Street Mercado Central, 1515 E Lake Street New Workers Unionize at Allina’s Abbott Northwestern Hospital: 220 lab workers at Abbott have recently voted to [...]

November Random alley News

November Random alley News

By LINDSEY FENNER Nonfatal Opioid Overdoses Saw a Sharp Increase in 2020: A new report out from the Minnesota Department of Health looks at nonfatal overdose trends in Minnesota from 2016 to 2020.  From 2019 to 2020 alone, the number of nonfatal overdoses involving opioids increased 43%, with the increase most pronounced in the 7-county metro region. American Indian Minnesotans were nine times more likely and African American Minnesotans were three times more likely than white Minnesotans to experience a nonfatal overdose. Younger people are also more likely to experience a nonfatal overdose, with Minnesotans aged 15-34 experiencing the largest number of nonfatal overdoses, accounting for 55% of all nonfatal overdose Emergency Department visits. See the October 2021 alley for the steps to reverse an opioid overdose.  Your Feedback Wanted on City Redistricting: Every ten years, after the federal Census, political boundaries like City Council Ward and Congressional [...]

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