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Monday March 3rd 2025

Posts Tagged ‘nikki fleck’

September Snooze

September Snooze

Curling up in the covers - Photo by Danny G By NIKKI FLECK L.Ac. NTP Do you know that every single mammal sleeps? Although mammals are more vulnerable during sleep, not one has yet evolved to eliminate their sleep requirements. This clue alone tells us sleep must be pretty dang important for survival and overall health. Getting an adequate amount of quality sleep each night is essential in supporting our bodies and brain. Most adults need 7-10 hours of sleep each night, but many fall short. Researchers have found that during sleep our brain consolidates memories, processes and files experiences of the day so we can make sense of our world. Sleep supports optimal cognition, attention and motor skills. (This is why driving sleep deprived can be even more reckless than driving intoxicated). While we sleep, our skin regenerates and our bodies absorb, process, and assimilate nutrients while detoxifying what is unwanted. In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) sleep is important to [...]

Cupping Therapy

Cupping Therapy

Photo Caption: Glass cup used in fire cuppingPhoto Credit: Nikki Fleck By Nikki Fleck NTP, L.Ac. Therapeutic cupping has been around for a long time. It has been used in China for thousands of years and also in many other cultures around the globe. Cupping is the practice of creating reverse pressure or suction on the skin by using heat (fire) or manual suction with various cylindrical, hollow tools. Historically, some communities used bull horns, gourds or bamboo to cup but today tools like glass are more common. In my own practice today we use glass to allow for adequate disinfection of the cups. Cupping creates a vacuum-like action which pulls skin and muscle tissues up and away from the body which provides a delightful releasing and relaxing sensation for the patient. Many patients even fall asleep during treatment.Although many western trained providers offer cupping today, there are some notable differences when receiving cupping from practitioners properly trained from an [...]

Spring Nettle Recipe

Spring Nettle Recipe

By Paul Morley on Mobography By NIKKI FLECKOne of my favorite parts of spring is enjoying fresh, nutrient dense nettles. They seem intimidating and uninviting because when raw, they sting! It is wise to wear gloves when harvesting and destemming, but once exposed to heat through cooking the “stingers” melt away and you're left with tasty, nutritive greens to enjoy. Nettles are rich in iron, vitamin A, calcium, potassium and magnesium. Nettles are commonly used for supporting lactation, kidney health, iron deficiency, allergies as well as joint pain. You or your neighbors may have a patch of nettles in your yard without even knowing it. They can also be found wild in nature throughout the Twin Cities and surrounding areas in the spring and summer. Most coops sell them in the spring as well. If you cannot find nettles or do not want to purchase them, spinach, collards or any dark leafy green are delicious substitutions for this recipe.5 large eggs½ cup of goats cheese½ cup red [...]

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