News & Views of Phillips Since 1976
Tuesday March 4th 2025

Portico Healthnet, Health Coverage That Is Much Needed

By Raymond Jackson

At a time when many are still waiting anxiously for health reform information from our government, the need toll continues to rise. The free clinics are bulging at the seams as too, too many are running out of resources, and simply losing hope.

Portico Health Net continues to fill the ever expanding void that many families face. They have served the people of the Phillips Community, the most populated neighborhoods in The Twin Cities, in ways that are actually saving lives, minds, bodies and souls. Working with a group of persons that do not hesitate to show their commitment, concern and dedication to those in need of affordable and reliable health care, Portico Health Net continues to help simplify and meet those needs, not just for Phillips Neighborhood residents, but to the entire state of Minnesota. By working not just with Abbott-Northwestern hospital, located here in Phillips, but 12 other hospitals located in Minnesota, Portico is making a difference with their Safety Net Coverage and Preventative Care Needs programs most particularly.

We spoke with Outreach Manager, Ms. Julia McCarthy, and she said, “These hospitals help to fund our Coverage Program, and each hospital commits a certain amount of dollars each year that help us pay for healthcare services for people enrolled in our programs; as well as care management services, consisting of answering questions about where to go for services and achieving best use of our program.” She continued, “I have worked here for 6 years and I really enjoy being a service for the community, working within the community with schools and agencies that refer people to us. Things are always growing and changing in here, as we, along with so many others, await National health care reform, that we feel will be coming in the next few years. Any changes that help more get health coverage are positive, and we will be here to help people understand their options, and guide them through the application processes.”

Sarah Simons, Phillips resident and mother of six, signed up with Portico after being off of Minnesota Care because of cost, and feeling near wits end said, “We went without healthcare insurance for about 15 months. It was a very hard and challenging time in that my 8 year old had an accident that had him wind up at the emergency room for stitches, I also had to pay out of pocket for two of my children”'s physicals and a strep throat incident.

In April of 2009 I heard about and signed up with Portico. There was peace of mind for me, knowing that we had access to a clinic for primary care, and were able to get prevention medical care, as well as, prescription coverage. This was big for us, knowing who to call and if they would accept our circumstances. We were on and off of Minnesota Health Care for many years, because of self employment; their requirement regulations did not take into account household size, only annual family income; and if you have to choose between your children for those in most need, you are not allowed to do so. You either pay for every child or none based on the previous year”'s income. So Portico has been a life saver for us. Giving us access to healthcare that we would not have had, and the intake process is not nearly as complicated as many other health care programs!”
In need of health care?  Call Portico at 651-489-2273.

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