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Celebrating 50 Years of Community News in Phillips!
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News & Views of Phillips Since 1976
Monday March 3rd 2025

No Hurdles Between You and Running Wolf. Run-on Over!

By Connie Norman

Hello from Running Wolf Fitness Center! We all know that the days are getting longer and warmer, meaning it”'s time to pull yourself out from the comfort of your winter layers and revive your sluggish energy levels and winter blues wobble with some exercise at Running Wolf!

But finding what motivates you and keeping it up to step into your exercise gear and get active can be harder than you think.

“Motivation is a lot more complex than people realize. Motivation is defined as ”˜the process that initiates, guides and maintains goal-oriented behaviors”'. It is therefore not the simple fact of turning on a motivational switch. You actually have to attack motivation from lots of angles to then find the recipe to ”˜get going!

There is no magic pill and no secret concoction that will put you on the path to long-term fitness and health. Some keys to success are: the right motivation, knowledge and tools and a low cost neighborhood fitness center like Running Wolf Fitness Center.

Running Wolf Fitness Center memberships are only $10 dollars a month for individuals and $30 dollars a month for a family of three or more living in the same household.

Benefits of Running Wolf”'s low cost membership:

Individualized fitness intake and goal-setting plan with Personal Trainers

Registered Dietitian consultations- RWFC will connect you with a registered dietitian that can provide you with information about making healthy food choices.

Monthly calendar of classes like Yoga, Zumba, Matter of Balance, Tai Chi, Cardio-Kickboxing and other classes (see monthly calendar) these classes are taught by qualified volunteers!

Fitness equipment such as treadmills, ellipticals, bike, Nu-Step, weight training machines, exercise balls and bands and free weights.

Plenty of free parking/close to bus lines

Showers and lockers

We are open to anyone willing to get fit and healthy!

It”'s a good time to start or reenergize your fitness regime. So come and join Running Wolf Fitness Center and get started today!

For more information on classes or memberships please call (612)872-2388.

Running Wolf Fitness Center

2323 11th Avenue South, Suite 101

Minneapolis, MN 55404

Hours of operation:

Monday through Thursday- 10am to 7pm

Saturdays- 10am to 2pm

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