Remember Orren Fen from the June 2022 alley? They were the way cool youth artist featured that month. Orren and I connected recently to talk about a new production they have been working on for the Heart of the Beast Theatre coming up in April.

Find them on Instagram at @sequined_stardust
Where did the idea of a puppet fashion show come from?
Orren: About a year ago me and my friend Finley Anderson-Newton went to a fashion show and liked the event, but wished that it had been more energetic and entertaining so we thought about how a fashion show would be if it was centered around puppetry. And thus our vision for “puppet fashion show” was born.
What is a puppet fashion show?
Orren: It combines the two ideas of fashion and puppetry in a cabaret-style performance. There will be 6 acts by different groups of artists, combining the ideas of fashion and puppetry to tell a story. One of the biggest questions I’ve gotten is “Does puppet fashion show mean puppets wearing fashion or fashion with puppets?” And I think the answer is puppet fashion is both, it’s a combination of two different art forms that are both very fluid and don’t really have many rules. So I hope that the puppet fashion show is weird and over the top, and really whatever the artists want it to be!!
Is this the first such production?
Orren: Yes, as far as I know, this is a new idea.
What is your role in the production?
Orren: I am one of the co-hosts. Akiko Ostlund is the other co-host. We will be performing in between acts and introducing the acts. I was also a curator – choosing the acts. And I’m helping with general behind-the-scenes work.
Have you worked on a cabaret style puppet show before?
Orren: Yes, I’ve been involved in many cabaret shows, last fall I was the co-host of MPLS Crankie Fest. And I’m on the curatorial team for Puppet Cabaret MPLS. As well, I have performed in multiple Puppet Cabarets. You can find out more about future events on Instagram at

Who else can we look forward to seeing in the show?
Orren: Performances are by Z Akhmetova, Nora Rickey, Lizz Windnagel, Fletcher Wolfe, Maggie Arbeiter, Emrys Mariel Stramer, Abby Palen, Lizzy Duqette, Sophie Shiff, Amber Moore, and Finley Anderson-Newton. And the music is by Taylor Johnson (Proper-T).
Where and when?
Orren: Here at Heart of the Beast, in the Avalon Theatre, 1500 East Lake Street in Minneapolis. Performances are Thursday through Sunday, April 13 – 16, at 7:30 p.m. The Thursday evening performance is also a fundraiser for Heart of the Beast.
You can get ticket information and a taste of the Puppet Fashion Show at Look for fun promo videos!