Celebrating 50 Years of Community News in Phillips!
Celebrating 50 Years of Community News in Phillips!
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News & Views of Phillips Since 1976
Friday February 14th 2025

‘Alley Communications News’ Archives

the alley Delivery Changes Start March

The leadership of Alley Communications has decided to stop door-to-door residential delivery with the March 2024 issue of the alley newspaper. This will allow us to reduce litter and use of plastic bags and will help our small but mighty group of staff and volunteers to focus on using our precious resources to create a newspaper that ALL the many diverse peoples of the Phillips Community want to read because it represents their voices. That being said, we still want to come to your home if that is the best way to reach you! If Alley Communications can get a minimum of 200 names and addresses of people who want to receive the alley newspaper delivered by mail each month, we will qualify for a USPS nonprofit bulk-mailing permit. Sign up TODAY for your FREE SUBSCRIPTION to the alley each month! It is easy and simple to do. Encourage your neighbors, too! Go to this link: DELIVERY AND COMMUNICATION to sign up today! You will still be able to find a copy of the alley at coffee [...]

Orchids to Cathy Strobel-Ayres, Outgoing Alley Board Chair for 20+ years!

A beautiful award-winning Orchid would be the most fitting of all gifts as Alley Communications bids farewell to Cathy Strobel-Ayres’ service as an Alley Communications Board member for more than two decades! Orchids represent the anniversary of 49 years - the number of years the alley newspaper will have been in publication as of 2024. Cathy’s leadership and everyday participation (steady advice, taking notes, pulling together meeting agendas, supporting paid staff, schlepping stuff to community info fairs, et al) has buoyed the organization as it begins its 49th year of publishing the alley. She is a sterling example of a farm-girl who did well in the big city as she brought her awareness of the need to keep connected - learned growing up in a rural area at a time without cell phones and only a “party-line” hard wired phone. Before retiring a few years ago, Cathy spent time working at the Minnesota State Legislature, the Minnesota AIDS Project, and the University of [...]

A Look Back: Front Pages of 2023

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