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Tuesday July 16th 2024

‘Raise Your Voice’ Archives

The Forest Through the Trees

Raise Your Voice  By PETER MOLENAAR  Folks from this part of the world are familiar with the “signers” who regularly occupy every niche at the intersection of Franklin and Cedar avenues. For some, it is a desperate way to “make ends meet”, while others panhandle for their next “fix” of heroin. Normally, I avoid eye contact. Hey, the new land lord raised my rent by over $300.00. Social Security, plus a union pension and one “odd job” barely covers expenses. So, I grow and sell vegetables in the summer months.  One day”¦  From his post at the intersection, a young mixed blood man beckoned. I recognized him from the community garden”™s homeless camp. Window down, I elaborated my refusal to support the heroin trade. Then, while rubbing the site of his war wound, he explained that he was in constant pain and hoped to be admitted to a methadone program. This soldier reminded me of the guardsmen who [...]

Raise Your Voice: Commentary Honor The Community”™s Vision Of A Better World. Please!

Raise Your Voice: Commentary Honor The Community”™s Vision Of A Better World. Please!

Our Righteous Community By PETER MOLENAAR Note: In the realm of politics and leadership, the designation of “opportunist” intends a pejorative, i.e., it describes a person whose self-interest supersedes the longterm benefit of the whole. By now, every reader of “the alley” newspaper, is aware that governance of Minneapolis intends to demolish the Roof Depot building which rests directly across the from Smith Foundry, and kitty-corner from the Bituminous Roadways Company asphalt plant on East 28th Street. Actually, the demolition has secretly commenced, out of sight, within the walls. The intent is to create a staging ground for the city”™s fleet of industrial trucks, many diesel, and their water and sewer pipes. In reality, this plan is a mean spirited slap to our face. Hey, community activists have invested no small sum of time and money to draw up an alternative plan. Their plan, our plan, envisions green jobs, organic food, low [...]

Raise Your Voice: Consuming the orange coronafruit

Raise Your Voice: Consuming the orange coronafruit

By PETER MOLENAAR Remembering: April 14”¦Most of the day was spent responding to text messages and calls of concern. Comrade Harry had entered Hennepin County”™s ICU (COVID-19). Blood oxygen was dangerously low, and failed to improve. January 8”¦The CDC issued a warning.January, February, March”¦Eight campaign rallies and five golf trips are interspersed with, “its a hoax”¦ the corona virus is very much under control”¦ stock market looking very good to me.” April 2”¦The economy is imploding and 35 million U.S.A. citizens are in line to loose their private health insurance. March 3”¦ After having passed through two sites of infection (Seward Co-op and May Day Cafe) I visited East Lake St. Allina Clinic, but was not tested (no tests available)”¦ I thought, as a senior with damaged lungs that I might die should the symptoms emerge”¦ was not even placed on a prioritized list! March 4”¦The East Lake [...]

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