A cosmetic “shell” hides a “pearl” at 2019 E.Lake St. across from Pioneers and Soldiers Cemetery. It was the factory for Burma-Shave product and signage until it moved to Bryn-Mar Neighborhood.
The Mpls. School Dist. bought the property to build a Community Education building replacing one at E. Lake St. and Hiawatha sold to Hennepin County .
Corcoran Neighborhood and Lake St. businesses would do well to consider its reuse on a site rather than as landfill.
Perhaps this post and beam Burma-Shave building could invoke re-use sensibilities and be incorporated into a shelter structure for the new Midtown Farmer”'s Market two blocks away or, as Phillip”'s resident Steve Sandberg also recommends, moving it to the empty lot at East Lake Street and 17th Ave.
See October 26, 2015, “It may be razed/Instead of saved/Say so long to/Burma Shave” by Steve Brandt.
Waste of resources is no surprise: the School District demolished Phillips Jr. High School because it “wasn”'t needed”; but bought and renovated Mt. Sinai Hospital three blocks away, four years later! Neighbors had protested in favor of reuse as a community center and/or housing. Neighbors were victorious in saving the 1972 Pool and Gym addition. Sanford Middle School— still being used and currently completing a large addition at 3524 42nd Avenue is exactly like the Phillips School.