By Patrick Cabello Hansel
The 3rd issue of “The Phoenix of Phillips”, our neighborhood”'s own literary magazine, will be an insert in the November issue of The Alley. But you can get a preview copy and hear some of the writers at the annual “Taste of Phillips” Art Festival on October 29, at St. Paul”'s Lutheran Church, 2742 15th Ave S. Writers young and old will read their work; there will be live music, an exhibition of local artists, activities for children and adults, a silent auction, and tasty Mexican food for sale.
The Phoenix of Phillips is a part of the Semilla Center for Healing and the Arts at St. Paul”'s. Over the past ten years, Semilla (seed in Spanish) has taught over 2200 people mosaics, murals, photography, drama, creative writing and other art forms. Professional artists, working with community residents, have installed 23 murals and over 50 other public art place holders. Partners have included Andersen United School (Go Phoenixes!), Roosevelt High School, The Center for Changing Lives and the Multiple Sclerosis Achievement Center.
The theme of the 3rd issue of the Phoenix is “This is My Story”. During an election year, we here so many different narratives about what our world and community are about; many of these narratives seek to divide and put down communities. The poems and essays you will read in the Phoenix
At the Taste of Phillips on October 29, you will also be able to see the youth photography project of St. Paul”'s Semilla Center. Youth photographers from ages 7 to 16 have artistically documented their neighborhood, seeking to show the strength and beauty that is Phillips.
The 2017 issue of The Phoenix of Phillips will have the theme of “Helping and Healing”. Information on submission and other activities of the Semilla Center can be obtained by e-mail at or calling 612-724-2862.
Special thanks to Midtown Phillips Neighborhood Association, Inc; Edina Community Lutheran Church, and the Minneapolis Area Synod of the ELCA for their support.