Celebrating 50 Years of Community News in Phillips!
Celebrating 50 Years of Community News in Phillips!
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News & Views of Phillips Since 1976
Friday February 14th 2025

Random Alley News: March

Compiled by Lindsey Fenner

MIWRC Drop in Hours: The Minnesota Indian Women”™s Resource Center now has drop-in hours, 11AM-5PM. Services offered: support and advocacy, connect with community referrals, assist in finding shelter, shower and outreach bag available upon request. 2300 15th Ave S, 612-728-2034

Indian Health Board Winter Storytelling Event: Indian Health Board is hosting an online winter storytelling event at 6pm on Tuesday, March 16th. Please join our relatives June Blue and Nelda Goodman for a night of teachings, laughter and tradition. To register or for questions, email Delaney.keshena@indianhealthboard.com

American Swedish Institute”™s Community Fund: ASI has a new small to mid-sized short-term grant program, aimed at service-oriented organizations and initiviates neighboring ASI, primarily in Phillips. Granting amounts will range from $1,000 to $3,000 Deadlines to apply for 2021 are March 31, June 30, September 30 and December 31. Visit https://www.asimn.org/communityfund or email communityfund@asimn.org for more. 

Phillips Neighborhood Clinic Expanded Hours: PNC will now be open two days a week: Mondays and Thursdays, clinic hours 6-8PM (check in starts at 5:30PM) at St. Paul”™s Lutheran Church, 2742 15th Avenue South. Please enter from the side door on the East side of the building (along 15th Ave S). No appointments or insurance necessary. Spanish interpreters are available at all times.The Phillips Neighborhood Clinic (PNC) is a free clinic operated by University of Minnesota health professional students. All students are supervised by licensed clinicians. Phone: 612-724-1690

Parks for All Comment Period Extended to July 18: The Minneapolis Parks and Recreation Board has extended the public feedback period on the “Park for All” draft plan. According to MPRB, the plan will “provide guidance in developing policy, establishing or changing programs and services, setting the annual MPRB budget and creating park improvements over the next decade.” Read the plan and submit comments here: minneapolisparks.org/parksforalldraft

Hennepin County Sheriff’s Office Offering online narcan training in March: The online opioid awareness class will be offered March 2 and March 30 in the early evenings. These sessions will include training on how to properly administer Naloxone, also known by the brand name Narcan®, a prescription medicine that reverses an opioid overdose. Funding for the classes has been provided through grants from the Minnesota Department of Health. All sessions will be taught by licensed alcohol and drug counselor Randy Anderson, founder of Bold North Recovery and Consulting. To join a session of the opioid awareness class or request a free Deterra drug disposal bag, send an email to drugdisposal@hennepin.us.

Cub Foods Reopens: The Cub at Lake and Hiawatha reopened on February 10. The grocery store was closed for 9 months after being damaged during the civil unrest last May following the murder of George Floyd. According to Cub Foods, the store has been completely renovated with expanded global and organic foods sections. The store also offers grocery pick up and delivery, and prescription delivery from Cub Pharmacy. The store hours are 6AM-10PM, seven days a week

More Ward 9 Candidates: Two more candidates have announced they are running for the Minneapolis City Council seat being vacated at the end of 2021 by Alondra Cano. Mickey Moore is a South Minneapolis business owner. Haji Yussef is a South Minneapolis business owner and activist. They join a growing field of announced candidates for Ward 9: Rita Ortega, Jason Chavez, Al Flowers, Jr, and Carmen Means.

In the Heart of the Beast Theatre Community Update: After a pause in programming and a three-month furlough of staff, HOBT announced their next steps, accompanied by a pair of community meetings. The Board of Directors is working to raise funds, search for co-Executive Directors, build relationships and convene an inaugural “Avalon Theatre Cohort.” The first online community meeting, on the topic of “reimagining the future of Mayday,” was scheduled for February 23. The second online meeting, on the topic of organizational changes and the “Avalon Theatre Cohort,” is scheduled for March 2, 6-7:30PM. Registration is required. To register or to read HBOT”™s report, visit www.hobt.org.

Facial Recognition Technology: The Minneapolis City Council unanimously passed an ordinance prohibiting City”™s use of facial recognition technology on Friday February 12 with narrow exceptions; prohibiting the City from buying facial recognition technology or using data derived from it. 

Sabathani Community Center Senior book Club
Please join the start up of our book club project with Hosmer Library and Mn Black Community Project. 

  • The first session will be Wednesday March 17 from 1-2pm
  • First Session: ”Author Talk”  Featuring Anthony Scott and The Minnesota”™s Black Community Book
  • Format is 1 hour, featured personality 45 min and Q&A 15 minutes.

For more information call 612-821-2307

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